Ziggy is a very gentle, chilled-out kind of guy who demands attention in the paddock. He is a proven male and is available for his services. His fleece has fineness and a good degree of density and luster. He has a great pedigree behind him on his Dame side he has the infamous Alpine Fibre’s Brutus (Peruvian Hemingway) line an import from New Zealand and on his Sire side he carries the highly respected genetics of Shanbrooke Accoyo and Jolimont Attitude, Jolimont Sculptor. His off spring inherited his strong frame and dense fleece.
Date of Birth: 1st June 2020
Sire : UKBAS29542 - Ashwood Kontor
AWDBASUK101 Solid White (Huacaya )
Dam : UKBAS25415 - Urcuchillay Dawn Chorus
URCBASUK013 Solid White (Huacaya)
Fleece (1st):
AFD 19.90µ SD 4.80µ CV 23.90% 2.0% Over 30 Microns(µ)
Staple Length 135 mm
(taken on 11th May 2021
Fibre Testing Authority: Art of Fibre